Economic analysis of the British Columbia forest sector, including its current state and trends, can be found in this section.
Key economic indicators that are monitored include:
The number and operating status of various types of mills, fibre flow analyses and socio-economic analyses are also provided.
The following report examines and monitors the B.C. forest sector as measured by key economic indicators such as harvest level, GDP, manufacturing sales, exports, employment, market supply & demand conditions, main destination markets and main products.
There are three main types of employment estimates for the forest sector: Labour Force Survey (LFS), Survey of Employment Payrolls and Hours (SEPH), and System of National Accounts (SNA). The following document discerns between each of the three estimates.
Our estimates of the impact of one thousand cubic metres of timber harvest on key B.C. economic indicators using multipliers. These multipliers are based on a special run of Statistics Canada’s Input-Output Model for B.C. (the IO Model) and more details can be found in the following document.
For historical versions of Economic State of B.C.'s Forest Sector, B.C. Forest Product Exports and other information about forest industry economics, please contact us: